

Dear friends,
We are happy to inform you that Center for Development for Organic Agriculture is founded on September the 14th 2006 in Jagodina.

The main goal of the Center is development of Organic Agriculture in Serbia. We have never thought that we could do that great work by ourselves, but in cooperation with Government of Republic of Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, local municipalities, domestic and foreign organizations and companies occupied by organic production, farmers, and cooperatives.
First objective of the Center is to gather around all subjects interested in organic production and creating, establishing of net, system of: farmers, cooperatives, suppliers, NGO-s occupied by organic agribusiness, sustainable agriculture and healthy food, domestic and foreign certification body, and producers.

This objective will be achieved by realization of project “SINERGY”. All relevant subjects will be included in the project. Therefore, we invite you to join us in creation of “BIO-AGRO-NET” (BAN). We think that there place for everyone and that only united we could achieve our common goal. BAN would provide to farmers information, education, help in process of standardization and certification, and certain disposal of goods. BAN would provide to production companies partners and help in marketing promotion and fair appearance. BAN would associate all subjects and fulfill their interests in the best way.

Why organic agriculture?
Basic advantage of organic agriculture is in production of highly valuable healthy and safe food, which will become the source of health for people and for animals. We already know that many diseases of the modern manhood have their cause in inadequate nourishment and usage of polluted and spoiled food.
The second great advantage is preservation and protection of the environment, which provides clean land, waters and air for us and for our ancestors as well.
The third value is for the agricultural producers themselves because they ensure disposal of goods and higher prices for the same products in comparison with conventional agriculture.
The fourth value is for the state and it reflects upon the growth of agriculture and economy, so to say, in opening new business companies, entrepreneur stores, new work posts, increasing income per inhabitant, thus increasing life standard.

Our farmers could be equal with farmers from Europe and farmers all over the world, and they could even be one-step ahead because Serbia has excellent conditions and potentials for development of agriculture. Thanks to her geographical position and natural and climate characteristics Serbia has all the necessary conditions for the development of all the branches of agriculture (such as husbandry-farming, fruit growing, wine growing, cattle breeding, beekeeping-apiculture, collecting medicinal herbs and wild fruit…).


Director of Center

Željko Ristić


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